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The above document contains all the rules for our Department Awards. It will refer to the Report Forms therefore consider it a companion to all of the Report Forms. The most up to date version of the BOOK RULES (listed below) are in the above comprehensive document. ALL DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS should review this guide to confirm timelines and judging coordination.

Go to the ALA AEF site - click here.
This site has the most up to date forms and information.

AEF - Emergency Assistance Grants Members helping members – that’s the American Legion Auxiliary’s mission of Service Not Self in action. Hard times can fall upon us at any moment. That’s when the American Legion Auxiliary is committed to help. AEF is a national grant assistance program that provides financial assistance to eligible members of the American Legion Auxiliary who have endured a significant financial setback as the result of an act of nature or other personal crisis. Established in 1969, the AEF was created with a bequest from the estate of Auxiliary member Helen Colby Small of Burlington, Wisconsin. Five decades later, the AEF is still helping fellow Auxiliary members get back on their feet. To carry on the AEF for members in need of assistance, we need your generous support. You can donate to the AEF by clicking here.

STARTING A NEW UNIT (or Re-establishing a Unit)

Anyone interested in starting a new unit or rechartering a former unit, please see the National ALA material on this at

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IMPACT FORMS 2024-2025

Members should submit their reports to their Unit President by the due date set by the Unit President. Unit Presidents must submit the Unit Impact Report Form District Presidents by May 1 so that the District President can compile District Impact (all units added together) and submit to the Department SECRETARY by May 15. 

The Department Secretary must compile the annual Department Impact report and submit to National before July 1. Learn more here.

Why report these numbers? Every hour, every dollar ALA members invest in our mission of helping veterans adds up. It not only gives each member a sense of pride in belonging to the organization, but it allows us to demonstrate our effectiveness to the world. Each small sum of numbers gets added into the collective numbers that are called Impact Numbers. These numbers proclaim our impact and help make membership in the ALA meaningful. These numbers are also reported to The American Legion, which includes them in its annual report to Congress. To make this process easier for you, it has been simplified and the form has been condensed to include only essential information. If you aren’t sure, giving an estimate is better than not reporting at all.

Other Unit Forms

Unit Impact Report Due May 1 to District President

Unit President Quarterly & Annual Report There is no form for this - all Unit Presidents are required to submit quarterly and annual reports to the District President by the dates defined by the District President.


District Impact Report Due May 15 to Department President

District President Quarterly & Annual Report There is no form for this - all District Presidents are required to submit quarterly and annual reports to the Department President by the dates defined by the District President.  For year end, no later than May 5.


What is a Resolution? In Robert’s Rules of Order, a RESOLUTION is a special type of MOTION. Resolutions present more complex questions or are used when formality is necessary or desired. It is a written statement Generally, a motion does not include reasons for adopting the motion – the person making the motion is generally allowed to speak first when the debate opens and has a moment to share the rationale. Resolutions on the other hand are generally written, submitted in advance and may but do not have to include a preamble which would include the reasons or background for desired outcome. Preamble sentences begin with “Whereas” and the last sentence is the “Resolving Clause” or motion. Remember that the resolving clause is voted on first and may be amended and those amendments approved. If that is the case, then consideration of the adopted amended motion must look at if the preamble or “whereas” clauses must also change.

What are the ALA Department of Georgia Rules on Resolutions? See the Constitution, ARTICLE VII - RESOLUTIONS Section 1. All resolutions presented to the Department Convention for action must be submitted to the Resolutions Committee three weeks prior to the Convention. Section 2. Four (4) copies of all resolutions shall be required, and these must bear the signature of at least three (3) members of the Auxiliary who are in good standing in their Units. Resolutions from Committees may be submitted electronically and signed electronically by the Committee Chairperson. Section 3. Resolutions concerning business deemed by the President, First Vice President and Resolutions Committee Chairperson as being of an emergency nature may be presented to the Department Convention for action without prior notice. (The Department President, First Vice President and the Resolutions Committee Chairperson shall determine, by vote, whether an emergency exists as regards an uncirculated Resolution.) Section 4. All resolutions presented to the Department Convention must be read twice, with at least twelve (12) hours elapsing between readings. Section 5. All resolutions presented to the Department Convention relative to the expenditure of money shall be previously submitted to the finance Committee of the Department for review and opinion purposes. (This will not preclude the Resolution from being presented to the Department Convention).

Resolutions must be in the hands of the Resolutions Chair NO later than June 6,2024 (Not just postmarked June 6, 2024). Mail three copies to: Joann Meadows, Resolutions Chair, 105 Woodridge Dr. NW, Woodridge Estates, Calhoun, GA 30701-9424 and mail one copy to: American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Georgia, 3035 Mt. Zion Road, Stockbridge, GA 30281 to arrive NO later than June 6, 2024.

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